The role of behavioural factors and national cultures in creating effective Performance Management Systems
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Many organizations install performance management systems to improve their results. In practice many organizations have difficulty implementing a PMS because the influence of behavioural factors and national cultures is not taken into account enough. This article describes the findings of a study into the role of behaviour and national culture in setting up an effective […]
Managing performance for improved productivity
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
A review of the article ‘Performance management analysis: a case study at a Dutch municipality (2006)’.
Building employee trust in Performance Management
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
An important precondition for a successful implementation of a performance management system is to involve employees in the development and implementation of the new system. In order to obtain employees’ participation, management has to first gain their trust because building trust in the workplace is crucial to successful change and organizational performance. In this article, […]
Is Performance Management applicable in developing countries?
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
There is not much know yet about the factors influencing successful performance management in organisations in the developing world. In this article the status of performance management in general in developing countries is first discusses, with a focus on African organizations. Then, a case study of an implementation of performance management in a Tanzanian organisation […]
The effects of Performance Management on the organisational results of a bank
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Research shows that the use of a performance management system leads to better organisational results. There is however little research into the actual mechanisms which cause this positive effect. This article describes the results of a study that explored the impact and working of a new performance management system in a branch of a bank, […]