Prestatiemanagement in de laboratoriumpraktijk: De case van ALcontrol
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
In veel organisaties kan het voor zowel de medewerker als voor de leidinggevende duidelijker gemaakt worden hoe elke individuele medewerker kan bijdragen aan het resultaat van de gehele organisatie. Dit kan worden gerealiseerd door de werkzaamheden van de individuele medewerker én de criteria waarop hij of zij wordt beoordeeld af te stemmen op de missie […]
Performance Management Analysis
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Researchers are increasingly interested in the relation between behaviour and the use of performance management systems. It is important to study this relation because the use of performance management improves performance driven behaviour, and consequently the results of an organisation. Recently a tool called the performance management analysis was developed, which can help an organisation […]
Managing performance for improved productivity
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
A review of the article ‘Performance management analysis: a case study at a Dutch municipality (2006)’.
Building employee trust in Performance Management
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
An important precondition for a successful implementation of a performance management system is to involve employees in the development and implementation of the new system. In order to obtain employees’ participation, management has to first gain their trust because building trust in the workplace is crucial to successful change and organizational performance. In this article, […]
Is Performance Management applicable in developing countries?
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
There is not much know yet about the factors influencing successful performance management in organisations in the developing world. In this article the status of performance management in general in developing countries is first discusses, with a focus on African organizations. Then, a case study of an implementation of performance management in a Tanzanian organisation […]