André de Waal (1960) is Academic Director of the HPO Center, an organization which conducts research into high performance organizations. He is also a partner at the Finance Function Research & Development Center, a company that aims to help finance functions to transform in a high-performing department.

André has been a partner with Arthur Andersen and Holland Consulting Group for 17 years and has been an associate professor for 13 years at various business schools and universities. He is the founding father of the High-performance organization framework, a scientifically validated framework aimed at helping organizations to become high-performing in a sustainable manner.

More about André de Waal

This site provided an overview of the publications of dr. André de Waal. These mostly are about strategic performance management and behavioural aspects. André’s writings on high performance organisations can be found at


Megatrends en disruptors worden vaak ervaren als bedreigingen voor toekomstige organisatiegroei of zelfs voor het voortbestaan van de organisatie. Maar dat is een te eenzijdig beeld: grote veranderingen of plotselinge verstoringen zoals een pandemie bieden ook kansen. Maar dan moet je wel weten hoe je deze kansen kunt benutten. Om organisaties hierbij te helpen hebben […]

Van Duuren Management, 2021
ISBN: 9789089655691