Prestatiemanagement in de overheid: Een overzicht
Monday, 14 August 2017
In dit overzichtsartikel worden, na een korte introductie over wat prestatiemanagement inhoudt, internationale en nationale ontwikkelingen op het gebied van invoering van prestatiemanagement in de overheid behandeld. Daarna worden een aantal punten besproken waaraan nadrukkelijk aandacht moet worden besteed tijdens die invoering: de verschillen tussen publieke en private organisaties, waardoor methoden uit de profit niet […]
The characteristics of a High Performance Organisation
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Under the pressure of ever increasing demands of the external environment and stakeholders, organizations are more and more looking for the elements that make up high performance. An analysis of 91 studies into high performance organizations yielded characteristics with regard to the organizational design, structure, processes, technology, leadership, people, and culture, and the external environment […]
The foundations of Nirvana, the characteristics of a High Performance Organisation
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
The original Nirvana was based on a literature study of around 20 of the most well-known studies of HPOs. For this white paper, the study was extended to ninety-one HPO-studies which have been performed in the last fifteen years. The research scope was enlarged to not only to the performance management cycle, but to all […]
The roadmap to Nirvana
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
In 2003 the research paper on creating a real adaptive enterprise using performance management, titled ‘On the road to Nirvana, creating the real enterprise’, was published. The big question since then has been: how to get to Nirvana? Based on the results of an extensive range of interviews with academics and practitioners and another elaborate […]
On the road to Nirvana, creating the real adaptive enterprise
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
In April 2003 I was asked by Hyperion Solutions to write a research paper on the future of the performance management cycle, consisting of the planning, budgeting, forecasting, measurement and rewarding processes. The aim was to describe an organization called Nirvana, where the performance management cycle is both efficient and effective, where everyone in the […]
The role of information technology in the High Performance Organisation
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
The results of the HPO research show that investing in IT does not make organizations necessarily a HPO. At the same time, this does not mean that IT is not important for an organization: many of the HPO factors cannot be improved without IT systems. The HPO research shows that merely implementing new IT systems […]
The role of behavioural factors in the successful implementation and use of Performance Management Systems
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
The paper examines the role behavioral factors play in the successful implementation and use of performance management systems that are based on critical success factors, key performance indicators and the balanced scorecard. Case study research was performed which identified 18 individual behavioral factors to be important. The research also showed that the use stage in […]